Wednesday, August 31, 2005
And at the 11th hour...A reprieve. Literally.
"Scott" finally deigned to text me at 11am, to tell me that the room has gone. Further, the bedsit I visited yesterday had also gone - just an hour before. I confess to being pissed enough to send Scott a text back saying "Thanx 4 finally bothering to reply. Have missed out on another place and am now homeless". Well fuck him, it made me feel better.
Anyways, you can imagine how paniced I was by this point. Scrolling through the adverts on the online flatsharing database I called a few, all of whom said moving in at such short notice was out of the question. Then I noticed that one that I had visited and dismissed last week, due to it's less than salubrious location, was still up. I phoned, and the extremely surprised woman who showed me around last week said yes it was still available. 10 minutes later I was booking a removals man for 11 am tomorrow.
It isn't ideal. I'm really not happy with the location, although it is near a busy bus stop with easy access to town. It also has no broadband, so blogging will be difficult. But I should still be able to nip into the lab to do my job hunting, and it stinks of cigarette smoke. But beggers can't be choosers.
So from tomorrow I shall be living with a chain-smoking french woman whom I only know by her initials and her gay flatmate who I have yet to meet. But they do have SKY, so that'll be nice. I suspect that there may be an anecdote or 2 finding it's way onto these pages...
On an upbeat note, I will be having an interview for some temp work on friday. Brook St have come through with a groundbreaking offer of 5p an hour more than Blue Arrow and the promise of 3 to 6 months data entry. I'll take it if it's offered, at least until Blue Arrow or Adecco offer me more money (heh - I'm such a tart). Of course, they want to know exactly what I used to do in the lab. I suspect that they aren't looking for someone skilled in quantitative PCR, so I emphasised that I used to do a lot of data entry from my experiments. During last week's computer assesments I broke their record for highest score on Word and Excel, so they ought to be satisfied that I am computer literate at least.
So, back to packing and cleaning. Last night as I worked my way through my pile of tasks, I finally turned a corner when I realised that all of my book cases were empty, all of my clothes were washed and packed (anything that wasn't bolted down or made of wood was chucked in the washing machine) and that almost all of my crockery was wrapped in towels and packed in sturdy plastic boxes. My flat suddenly looks as if it will be empty by tomorrow! It still needs a good clean, but I think I will just hold on to my keys for a few more hours tomorrow and return once my stuff has been dumped at the new place.
Now I just have to try and avoid getting pregnant when I walk to the new place after dark...
# posted by SaneScientist @ 3:41 pm