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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Second Time lucky?

Well, what a funny old world!

Regular readers of this blog will know that I am curently "under-employed" - i.e. I am a PhD-trained biologist currently putting my hard-earned skills to use in my local sport centre.

Anyhoo, I have been plodding away sending applications and cover letters to all an sundry since finishing my last research post. To no avail. I've had 4 job interviews since June. I've done well in all of them - but been pipped to the post by candidates more experienced in that particular job.

Yesterday, I received my latest rejection letter (still awaiting feedback and expenses Grrr). Not at all unexpected, to be honest. Nevertheless, I was a little down in the mouth. But 24 hours later, the birds are singing again. I have been urged to apply to another job, by the lab head who liked my CV and thought that my last project sounded relevant to her job. So that application was off (and has been received). I'm just waiting to hear back to see if I have been short-listed.

But even better is the job I found on today. Back in July, I went for a job daan sarf , only to be pipped to the post by someone with more experience.

However, when I rang up for feedback, the interviewer couldn't have been more positive and glowing. He may not have been able to offer me the job, but I'd happily share a pint with him at a conference.

Maybe that opportunity is nearer than I think... he's advertising another position! I have emailed him reminding him who I am and asking what it's about and if I should apply for it.

So, fingers crossed... hopefully, within the next week, I will have an idea if I am to be short-listed for interview for 2 jobs. Ever the optimist, I have already decided which customers will get both barrells on my final evening at the sport centre...



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