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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fulfilling the stereotype...

Apparently, there is a nasty stereotype that people with lighter coloured hair might be a little dim on occassion.

I know, I was shocked to hear that as well!

Well anyways by strange coincidence one of my colleagues at the Sportcentre is of the blonde persuasion. And perhaps, just maybe, she might lend credence to this scandalous slur.

The first thing I did when getting in was join the hunt for a brown envelope, stuffed with 10 pound notes that she had misplaced about 15 seconds after being paid for several weeks badminton coaching. Panic ensued until it finally turned up - on the shelf in the store room. The same store room that she swore blind she hadn't entered today. Of course, we suspected that she might be mistaken when she emptied her handbag over the desk and I innocently enquired why she had the store room key in there if she hadn't entered it today...

A little later on, she appeared looking frazzled and embarrassed.
"Um, you haven't seen my car keys have you?"
"Would they by chance be the ones found on court 6 immeditely after your lesson?"

But she saved the best to last.
She had an hour-long wait between lessons. I entered the office to find her playing cards with the duty manager. He was obviously explaining, with little success, the rules of a card game. I wasn't really listening, as I was hunting for a file so I had no idea what game he was teaching her.
"OK, well lets just start playing and see if you can pick it up"
"Is the aim to end up with all of the cards or none of the cards?"
"All of the cards"
For a few moments there was the quiet slap of cards being played out onto the table. Followed by a triumphant shout from the DM


I'm not making this shit up, I swear!



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