Sunday, August 06, 2006
The Sunday SniggerNo 1. Forgive me Father for I have sinned.
A young man goes to confession. "Forgive me Father for I have sinned, I spent the night with a girl of loose morals" The Priest shakes his head sadly, "I'm very ashamed of you, Tommy. Who was the young lady?" "I'm sorry Father, I promised not to tell" "Now, come on boy. The young lady needs to be here confessing her sins as well. Was it Katy O'Malley?" "No, Father. I'm a gentleman and I won't give her name" "The young lady is on the path to the devil, you must tell me her name. Was it Clara Murphy?" "As a matter of honour Father, I cannot break my silence" "Was it Finoula O'Brien?" "I cannot tell, Father" "How about Fiona Finnegan?" "My lips are sealed" Eventually, the priest gave up, crafted a suitable penance and let the boy go. On the way out of the confessional, the boy was stopped by a friend waiting to go in. "What did he give you?" "10 Hail Marys, 6 Our Fathers and 4 hot leads."
# posted by SaneScientist @ 6:41 am