The Tuesday Twat(s)No. 32. People with too much time and access to a phone."As soon as we broadcast it, the switchboard was jammed" What could the slightly smarmy TV exec be talking about? Jerry Springer the Opera on BBC2 perhaps? Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction? Johnny Rotten refering to the British public as "cunts"? Nope - it was the broadcast of the first in the long running series of adverts using former England footballer Gary Linnekar to promote Walkers crisps. And they weren't ringing to complain - they were ringing to praise Walkers. I'm sorry, but what sort of sad twat phones into praise a TV advert? Now I'm a big fan of the TV remote control - if something offends me, I turn over or switch off (unless I am researching my next Tuesday Twat - ahem). Nevertheless, I can understand why people sometimes phone in to complain. 99% of the time I think that they just need to get out more and stop whinging, but just occassionally they may have a point. Sometimes, I have also been so moved or impressed by a program, that I have raved about it in work to my friends the next day - and it is conceivable that if I was bed-ridden and friendless, I might just phone the BBC* to say how impressed I was. Yet the idea of ringing up to praise a TV advert is inconceivable. Sure, I am capable of recognising (and even appreciating) good adverts (at least until they've played the fuckers so many times that I can't stand them anymore). And indeed, if I were to find myself making small talk with an advertising executive, I would be happy (especially after lots of beer) to tell them what I think makes a good advert (after beer, I have opinions on just about anything). Nevertheless, when watching an advert, my first thought is usually something along the lines of "Heh - I'd rub Factor 30 into her back anyday" or "how long until the programme starts again". It does not involve me grabbing my mobile, dialing directory enquiries to find out the number of the customer services department, then ringing up to praise all of their hard work. Get a life, twats. *Note, the chances of anything on ITV being good enough to phone in about is so slim, it's not worth even mentioning. Labels: The Tuesday Twat(s) |
Tuesday, August 23, 2005The Tuesday Twat(s)No 31. My council.![]() When it comes wasting council tax payer's money, my council is always coming up with new and innovative methods to piss it all away. If it involves making life less useful for residents, then so much the better. The latest wheeze is the final (I hope!) outcome of their herculean road digging saga. The council have decided to lower the curb in front of all pedestrian crossings and replace the tarmac with tactile slabs for the blind. These are red paving slabs that have a prominent raised, patterned surface. The red colour allows the visually impaired to see them and the raised surface allows the blind to feel them. Guide dogs can also be trained to seek them out when crossing the road. The lowered curb allows wheelchairs greater access. This would be a great idea - except for one slight addition. The council has also replaced the pedestrian crossing buttons, with their large Red/Green man symbols and distinctive loud beeping... with a new silent one that consists of small red and green lights at waist height. Thus blind people who were able to cross the road unaided at the old crossing are now, despite having nice new red paving slabs, unable to do so without relying on the kindness of strangers because they can't fucking hear when they have right of way. Even those with perfect eyesight are at risk because you have to stand with your back to the traffic to see the little green lights. And if there are a crowd of people at the crossing, it can be almost impossible. If there was an MBE for services to twattery, the dickhead in planning who came up with this idea would be in the New year's honours list for sure. I want a refund. Labels: The Tuesday Twat(s) |
Sunday, August 21, 2005Which film are you?![]() What Classic Movie Are You? personality tests by My Dad keeps nagging me to see this - guess I'll have to now. |
Perusing the blogosphere (3)Well, it's time to update the old blogroll again, as well as pointing you toward a few new links on the right hand sidebar.Firstly, a deletion. It seems that after some online nastiness a few months ago, Lascivious has permanently deleted his excellent Daily Propaganda. Lascivious, if you still lurk here mate drop me a line at the email address in my profile - let me know how life is treating you and if your future plans are working out. And should you decide to start blogging again, let me know and I'll replace the link. A few new additions, many of whom have been posting comments here - or whom I simply like. Sir Findo Gask, who promises that "Everything you read is true, apart from the names, the locations and the facts.." Next up is Da Goldfish - but I suggest you wait a bit until the truly disturbing photograph on his current post has been pushed a bit further down the screen. Ed's secret Diary of interactions looks promising - even if the URL is a bit weird... It seems that Johnny B has agreed to timeshare Norfolk's only dialup internet connection with the extemely amusing Mr Andrew, at The God Awful Truth. Well worth a visit, he's also mates with Ed above. Ahhh sweet. The Pink Lemonade Diva is apparently so stunningly attractive that strange men drive into her car in carparks, just to get an opportunity to speak to her. How could I not have her in my blogroll? Sessy is moving house. The sympathy vote alone gets her on to the blogroll, but that aside, she is well worth a visit. Finally, some of my posters do have blogs but don't link to them when they leave a comment. Fair enough, I respect your privacy, but I'd love to read them and maybe trade a link. Let me know if you change your mind. And if you still have time to kill, check out the new links on the right. New Scientist is the number one science and technology magazine in the world. Aimed at the intelligent lay reader, you don't need to be a specialist to read it. If you see a story that you find interesting on the TV or in a newspaper but don't want to try and decipher the original reearch, give New Scientist a shot. The Scientist is a "trade mag" for post docs. It is rather US-centric, but nevertheless is an interesting read for the life-science specialist. You should still be able to get a free paper copy delivered as well. The Onion. Deeply funny, satire. Not always safe for work, if you have swear filters built in. |
Friday, August 19, 2005Only the good die young...![]() BBC News Mo Mowlam 1949-2005 How sad, Only weeks after the tragic loss of Robin Cook, Mo Mowlam has passed away at the all-too-young age of 55. For those unfamiliar with British politics, Mo Mowlam was an immensley popular politician, instrumental in revitalising the Northern Ireland peace process at the tail end of the 1990s. She became one of Britain's favourite politicians, when she revealed that she had been suffering from a brain tumour for a number of years during the peace process, which accounted for her cruelly remarked upon weight-gain and frumpy haircut - it was of course a wig. She was famous for her friendliness and her "common touch" - and used to remove her wig during tense negotiations to relieve tension. She stepped down as an MP in 2001, but the public's affection for her only grew. I never knew Ms Mowlam, but these people did and it underlines what a great person we have lost. |
Tuesday, August 16, 2005Bonus Tuesday Twat AwardBio-Rad (and my clumsiness)A new second Twat posted because I am in a fucking foul mood. Utterly irrelevant to those of you who work outside a lab - however, I have just torn the PFGE gel that I was supposed to start blotting this evening. The Bio-Rad system that we use has completely different sized casting trays to all of our other gel systems, however the PFGE system is entirely Ethidium Bromide free, meaning that I have to transfer it into a plastic container for staining. 1% low-melting point agarose. Slippery, slimy and weaker than the dodgy dossier. I lifted it out of the staining tank - and rip. Right through the sample area. Not a chance in hell of repairing it. Translation - I have just lost 4 days of unpaid work, through nothing but a tiny and almost inevitable slip of my gloved fingers. Bollocks buggery cunt!!!!!! Labels: The Tuesday Twat(s) |
The Tuesday Twat(s)No. 30. Essex PoliceThis is definately one for the silly season. So, what are Essex police doing with their time? Are they A) Tracking terrorists? B) Catching rapists and murderers? C) Arresting burglars? D) Blocking off a busy streth of motorway to rescue a soft toy that some careless 10 year-old has dropped out of the sun roof at 70mph? Can you guess.... Read all about it here on the BBC. This is the most stupid thing I have heard in a long time. A careless 10 year-old drops a soft toy out of the car window, so what do her parents do? ![]() They call the fucking police! What are they going to do about it, I hear you cry? That's not their problem. It would be extremly stupid and dangerous, to for example, put on a rolling roadblock, holding up the traffic, then post the soft toy (at tax payer's expense) to the hapless child. Obvously they wouldn't be that silly! But of course, that's what they did. I don't know who the bigger twats are - the parents or the police. Sure, it's upsetting - but she's 10 years old for christ's sake! "We just felt we had to do everything in our power as parents to make Amy happy,", said her mother. Errr no. She's 10 years old. Don't you think she's old enough to learn that life isn't always fair? What are you going to do when Granny dies for god's sake? Rent a copy of "Weekend at Bernies" for inspiration, and try and convince her the old girl is just sleeping? I'll bet that they're the sort of parents that would spend hours racing around every pet store in a hundred mile radius to find an identical hamster, to convince her that they are immortal. Twats, the lot of them! Labels: The Tuesday Twat(s) |
Big Thanks!A huge thanks to all of those who took the time to stop by and comment on the blog changes. A remarkable range of computers floating about there! An especial thanks to Liam, who went to great effort to straighten out my tangled code. That CoffeeHTML editor is pretty neat. A virtual beer to you all.Dawn, I took your advice and just extended the height of the sidebars to 5000px. That should keep things fairly neat, at least at the top half of the page, where most visitors stay any way Iif you can't fix it, hide it I say). I'll be tweaking a few more cosmetic things over the next few days, but it looks like the basic template is working just how I envisaged it. |
Tuesday, August 09, 2005The Tuesday Twat(s)No. 29. The production teams of "fly on the wall" documentaries.In the TV wasteland of 7pm to 9pm there is a scary new phenomenon. Designed to confirm all of the prejudices that the comfortable middle-classes have about the chav class - it's the latest incarnation of the "fly on the wall documentary". "Britain's worst kids", "Wife swap", "Britains worst husband/wife/androgenous fuck buddy", "Is your house a shitehole?". If there is a more contrived form of "documentary", I have yet to see it. These programmes work on one simple premise - stick a camera crew in the lives of "ordinary people" and you will see extra-ordinary behaviour. At first amusing, I am starting to find these programmes uncomfortable and worrying viewing. A current documentary involves following the lives of parents who's kids spend so much time off school that the parents are facing jail sentences. The programmes are skillfully edited such that anyone watching finds themselves shouting at the TV "Pawn the little shit's XBox and give them a fucking smack!" Yet it is becoming painfully obvious that the "stars" of the show, like those on daytime chatshows, are just living up to expectations. A couple of weeks ago, sloppy editing showed the cynicism of these production crews who all too obviously script the whole thing. A spoilt little girl has been refusing to go to school, she gets kicked out the door in the morning, then returns sulkily 5 minutes later (why her unemployed parents don't take her to the school gate is never explored) refusing to go. Overly dramatic temper tantrums ensue for a few minutes before the kid goes back to bed to watch Trisha. Classic "reality TV" fodder - except that this time the kid can't act as well as usual. Cut to a scene where she is having a temper-tantrum in the living room. She stands still for a second, before suddenly erupting and kicking her toys across the room. You could almost hear the director shout "action". It was so fucking obvious! These families have been offered their 5 minutes of fame and, hand-in-hand with the production crew they are milking it for everything it's worth. At the expense of their child's education. Jail the fucking parents I say. That'll teach them to exploit their kids. This really calls into question the entire genre. "How clean is your house?" should be renamed "What does your house look like after a TV production crew have scattered your bins in the lounge and brought their dirty laundry over". I imagine that the pre-production meetings for Britain's worst kids, probably go something like this. Well dressed parents sitting with young man, sipping tea out of a china mug, little finger extended. Production assistant: Well he seems quite well behaved at the moment. Parents: Oh that won't be a problem, as soon as the cameras start to roll, he'll start kicking the furniture. Production assistant: Hmmm, that's quite normal at his age, even in middle-class families. Can't you come up with anything better? Parents: We're thinking of banning him from watching TV. To which Anthony will respond "You fucking cunts I wish you were dead". Production assistant: That's a bit better - but we've already met one family who have agreed that their daughter will pretend to be pregnant and has even agreed to scratch her wrists with a blunt knife. Mother: I thought I might leave my handbag sitting in the kitchen in plain view. Anthony will then steal some money and take my car keys. Mr Patel at the "Cash n Carry" has kindly agreed to sell Anthony and Millicent from next door some cheap cider, and put up with a bit of racial abuse. You'll like Millicent, she has a pierced nose. To be honest, I don't know who gets the Twat award this week - the production crews who script this garbage; the participants; or we the viewers for putting up with this shite. Twats - the lot of 'em. Labels: The Tuesday Twat(s) |
Saturday, August 06, 2005Geek Chic![]() Originally uploaded by SaneScientist. Who says geeks can't be sexy! Waddya say ladies? |
Tuesday, August 02, 2005The Tuesday Twat(s)No. 28. Robert Kilroy Silk.![]() BBC News Well it seems that Robert Kilroy-Silk has "resigned" from yet another political party. This time, it was one that he founded himself only 5 months ago. Impressive. At this rate, he'll have been kicked out of more parties than Oliver Reed. For those of you not from the UK, Robert Kilroy-Silk is very accurately summed up by the word twat. Born in 1942, apparently of human parents, he has turned himself that remarkable shade of orange that only daytime TV stars, Christian Evangelicals and people in the end stages of liver cirrhosis can normally achieve. Unfortunately, despite his near perfect colouring, he was deemed too tall to be given the part of an Ooompa Loompa in Tim Burton's remake of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Unconfirmed rumours suggest that he may be the new face of Ronseal's Woodcoat. Kilroy-Silk first entered politics in 1974. Quite how somebody with politics to the right of Timothy McVeigh managed to gain a seat in the (then, left-wing) Labour Party will forever remain a mystery. But then David Blunkett managed it so I suppose these characers can slip through the net from time to time. After quitting the Labour party, he fronted a daytime chatshow on the BBC. This show was a tremendous success with students and other lay abouts (many of whom formed the audience), yet this is in no way indicative of it's quality. In fact it was gob-smackingly, toe-curlingly awful. RKS is possibly the worst man possible to deal with sensitive subjects. Viewers would tune in, then hide behind the sofa unable to bear it as he strutted around the studio airing his opinions, cutting short other people's opinions and flatly contradicting whatever experts the BBC has seen fit to bring in to discuss the subject. The show ran until 2004, when he was unceremoniously sacked for writing an article that branded arabs "suicide bombers, limb-amputators,[and] women repressors". His protestation that it was actually a reprint of an article he had already published once before wasn't terribly effective. Having thus endeared himself to and established his credentials with the far-right nutjob brigade, the next logical step was to join the "UK Independence Party". This party had a number of goals regarding Europe and the common currency, but generally they could be summed up by the 3 F's - "Fuck off Filthy Foreigners". And take your money with you. Remarkably he was elected a Member of the European Parliament, where he has vowed to disrupt proceedings as much as possible. At tax-payers' expense obviously. After a few months in the job, the next obvious step was to become leader of UKIP. That UKIP already had a leader, and nobody wanted RKS to takeover did little to disuade him. His final tactics allegedly included holding his breath, stamping his feet and screaming "its not fair". Nobody was impressed. Finally, he quit/was kicked out of UKIP (are you spotting a pattern yet) forming a new party "Veritas". Despite already having a job as an MEP, he stood in the May general election, as a member of the UK parliament - and was trounced squarely, as were the rest of his party. Today he finally announced his "resignation" from the party. So what next from our peculiarly cadenced, bright orange, inverse jihadist? Now John Tyndall is dead and Nick Griffin maybe spending some time at her Majesty's Pleasure, the British National Party probably need a helping hand. Or maybe he'll just go back to topping up his tan - I hear that the Middle East is nice this time of year... Labels: The Tuesday Twat(s) |
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