Thursday, January 27, 2005Perusing the blogosphere againWell, I've just installed the new Haloscan thingy and so it seems as good a time as any to list a few more blogs that have gotten my attention.First up is Paranoid Prom Queen, another lucky soul who spends her nights lying awake staring at the bedroom ceiling calculating how many hours she has left until the alarm clock rings and she has to haul herself out of bed without any sleep. I can of course sympathise entirely. I was doing rather well until the middle of last week, when my body clock suddenly slipped again. Now it is between 4 and 5 am before I finally get to sleep. Since I am not under any enforcement to attend the lab before lunch, I have been crawling in at 1 pm. Since I'm busy I'm not leaving the lab until 8 to 10pm. By the time I've done my housework, blogged a bit, surfed the internet and perhaps watched a DVD its 1 am and I'm full of beans and raring to go, so its 4 am before I settle down again. And so the cycle repeats. Aside from the nagging guilt at turning up so late, its also a rather lonely existence at times. Most of my workmates go home before 6pm and those that are left are just trying to get home themselves ASAP. It is also difficult to justify a leisurely tea break mid-afternoon doing the communal crossword when you've only been in a couple of hours. Normally I would try a big reset by staying awake all night, but I've been doing some sensitive experiments (and will be using radioisotopes soon) so a decent kip is more important than getting into work at a decent hour. Oh well. Perhaps when I've had my meeting with SWMNBN next week I can get some downtime and try a reset. On a more fun note, the ever excellent Copper's Blog has recommended a similar kindred spirit in The Law West of Ealing Broadway, the blog of a British magistrate. Like Copper's Blog and Random Acts of Reality it sheds a little light on the amusing events in the most serious of jobs and gives a little insight into who these often anonymous public servants really are. I recommended Copper's Blog and The Law West of Ealing Broadway, to a friend of mine who is a junior solicitor and I suspect the link will be doing the email rounds first thing tomorrow. She particularly enjoyed the story about the Magistrate being called "Your Majesty". I don't want to give away any more read the post yourself (Sunday, January 09, 2005). Being a professional scientist, I subscribe to the notion that plagiarism (technical term nicking a good idea) is not really plagiarism if you give full credit to the person whom you stole it from. The technical term for this is "Citing". Therefore it only seems right to cite the hilarious The Mighty Crumb, whose brilliant Friday Fuckwit I have adapted and transmuted into The Tuesday Twat. This week's Friday Fuckwit was the simultaneously both obscure and ubiquitous Michael Fenton-Stevens. Who? Read and find out! (Friday, January 21, 2005). Managing to be both funny and moving at the same time is Cancergiggles, the blog of a colon cancer sufferer. I'm not going to blather on about how brave or inspirational he is - he wouldn't appreciate it, even though its true. I'm just going to wish him and all his loved ones the best for the future and keep on tuning in to his witty and funny posts. There are plenty more out there, and as I come across them I'll collect them and do another post in the future. |
Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog. |
Tuesday, January 25, 2005The Tuesday Twat(s)No 2. BBC Radio One.![]() BBC Radio 1 Well, where to begin? The presenters - twats every last one of them? The play list - chosen by twats? Or the fact that I am forced to listen to it every day - making me want to twat someone? For those fortunate enough not to have experienced Radio 1, it is the UK's "Number one radio station". Being part of the BBC its sole saving grace is that it doesn't have annoying commercials every few minutes - perhaps the main reason why its so popular. Scientific tests have shown that 98% of people, upon hearing an advert for a local double glazing firm for the hundredth time, will finally crossover into insanity and start shouting at inanimate objects, threatening random passers-by with extreme violence or actually eating at McDonalds out of choice. The most irksome thing about Radio 1 is the playlist. Some suit somewhere decides that 20 or so songs are worthy of the exclusive attention of Radio 1 and decrees that they should be played ad nauseum 24/7. This weeks' list include songs such as Gwen Stefani's latests single. The song itself is relatively inoffensive, but upon hearing it for the 3rd time in one afternoon, I can't help but develop a twitch below by right eye and often find myself subconsciously doodling "Die Stefani Die" on my lab book. There are songs which I detest that I have actually listened to more times than my favourite compilation album. Then there are the presenters. Imagine the most annoying twenty-something individuals you can think of. You know the sort. The type who drive past your house at 1 am with the car windows down and a CD consisting of heavy thuds played repeatedly on full volume. They probably think "Bling Bling" is a good thing and that clubbing in Ibiza is going abroad. The station has spawned some of the biggest twats ever inflicted on the British public. Chris Evans, Zoe Ball and Sarah Cox all became famous on Radio 1. More recently, Chris Moyles - worthy of a Tuesday Twat Award all of his own - is the current darling of Radio 1, having replaced most of the listeners turned off by Sarah Cox's Bolton braying. The fact that his Radio 1 breakfast show's listening figures are still a fraction of that enjoyed by Terry Wogan on Radio 2 speaks volumes. Some years ago, Steve Wright invented the "posse". Basically, he got a bunch of mentally-challenged, unemployed mates to sit in the studio and laugh loudly and annoyingly at his every utterance. Nothing was too banal, nothing too unfunny to give these fuckwits a shrieking laughter fit. Sadly, the posse is here to stay, with countless presenters since getting the British license payer to keep their otherwise unemployable friends in Burberry. Listening to Radio 1 in the lab is a relatively new phenomenon. Our boss was never too keen on music in the lab, believing it distracting. He never outlawed it outright, but as a courtesy it was left turned off or kept to a quiet whisper on someone's bench during working hours. In the evenings, people usually listened to mutually agreed upon CDs. Recently however things have changed. The Boss' office is now down the corridor and we are left to work how we see fit. The radio is turned on first thing and stays on until the last person leaves - assuming they even remember to turn it off. Amazingly, despite my best efforts, the tuning dial seems to spring back to Radio 1 whenever I try and tune it to something more soothing - like static. Permanently damaging it would be bad manners since it isn't mine - and besides I might want to listen to Dido at 4 am when pulling an all-nighter. The obvious solution would of course be headphones, but Health and Safety frown upon us wearing them whilst in the lab area. The only time we can get away with it is if we are sitting static in front of noisy equipment and wouldn't be able to hear someone shouting "Fire in the Hold" anyway. So, for all of these reasons and too many more to list, I nominate Radio 1 for the second Tuesday Twat Award. Labels: The Tuesday Twat(s) |
Tuesday, January 18, 2005The Tuesday TwatWell as promised, today sees the start of my homage to (or blatant plagiarisation of) The Mighty Crumb themightycrumb. His weekly post "The Friday Fuckwit" always makes me laugh, and seems as good a way as any to lance the festering boild of hatred that certain people seem to engender in me. Its nothing to be proud of , I'm sure you will agree, but if it gets me through the week who cares? Perhaps others could take it further? How about the Monday Moron, or the Wednesday Wanker?The Tuesday Twat Harry Hill ![]() BBC There are those that describe Harry Hill as a comedian. Bear in mind, however that there are also people on this planet who still think that the earth is flat, Elvis celebrated his 70th birthday this week and that Intelligent Design is, well, intelligent CNN. Harry Hill is described in TV guides as "Zany". This alone should tell you all that you need to know about this big-collared, bald headed, humourless twat. He presents shows such as "Harry Hill's TV Burp" a trawl through the week's TV, typically highlighting the least amusing bits in the least amusing programmes on British TV - namely the soaps. His "act" largely consists of the use of the phrase "Hmmm", the occasional waggle of an eyebrow and something to do with a stuffed badger. Apparently, he used to be a doctor - and before you get all excited, he's no Patch Adams or Hawkeye Pierce. In fact, having watched one of his shows (I say one - what I actually mean is that 3 times I sat down and managed to watch about a third of one show before turning over and watching something funnier - like a documentary on the humanitarian crisis in Darfur or teenage bulimia), I find myself wondering if in fact he wasn't a dentist instead. Watching him bounce around stage in bad fancy dress is as painful as having one's wisdom teeth removed without a gum full of lidocaine. However, just when you thought he couldn't get any worse - or at least if he did, his presence would be clearly advertised in the TV guide so you could avoid him - the bastard started advertising Boot's the chemists' christmas gift range. I managed to avoid his smug, grinning visage on ITV1 by dint of not watching ITV1 - unfortunately some other commercial channels such as Channel 4 actually have programmes worth watching, so I couldn't help but come across him several times in an evening's viewing. Shouting "You fucking Twat! Get off my screen, you aren't funny!" relieves some of the anger, but unfortunately was frowned upon by my parents during the Christmas Day screening of "Goodbye Mr Chips" - although they did agree wih the sentiment. So here we have it - the inaugural Tuesday Twat. I can't think of any one more deserving of the accolade. Rest assured that when I do however, I will be sharing it with you in next week's blog. Labels: The Tuesday Twat(s) |
Monday, January 17, 2005Booze Booze BoozeWell, the birthday went well, although it started off ominously, I was supposed to be going to a "Happy Hour" at work. Now, I realise that the concept of a "Happy Hour" at work is a contradiction in terms, however they were selling drinks at 50p a go (about 27c for those on the wrong side of the Atlantic). Further, there really are some lovely young ladies who work on the otherside of the building... I arrive - and they have run out of booze. Oh No! The Bioinformaticians got there first and drank everything (they are kept locked in a dungeon most of the time and only let out if they promise not to talk about Linux or how Apple Macs are better than PCs). I tried whining "but its my birthday", however the girl in charge of the drinks stall was either a heartless bitch, or we had indeed run out of booze.Of to the pub then. This went better, with everyone feeling compelled to buy me beer until they all turned blurry. Naturally, on the way home I decided to stop by Tesco and buy some more flour to try and make some Pizza bases again. I fell into bed at 11pm, resolving to get up again in an hour to start cooking. 8am the following morning, I awoke with a headache and the dry tongue one associates with either licking several hundred of those new adhesive stamps - or just perhaps drinking 6 pints of Carlsberg Export then night before. I had resolved however to make those bases and besides, my flat still looked like I had been subletting to the local travelers community (thats Pikeys, Gypos or Thieving Bastards to the less politically correct of you). After 4 hours of cooking, cleaning and tidying, my flat was positively gleaming and suffused with the pleasant aroma of lightly cooked bread and industrial strength bleach. My parents and grandmother duly arrived and commented "it's a bit better than last time". My mild irritation soon turned to joy, however, when I was presented with several birthday cards containing pieces of paper with the Queen's head on them, that I am told I can swap for beer. Even better, I got a digital camera! WooHoo! After a leisurely meal with my parents (the serving staff were leisurely - we were bloody starving) we returned to my humble abode so I could prepare for the party. I had spent a long time choosing the nibbles etc, but really the piece de resistance was the crate of lager I'd bought from Sainsbury. I figured, as long as there was music and beer the party was guaranteed to go well, what with most of my guests being Kiwis. And that it did. Between us we sank 2 bottles of wine each and most of the crate of beer. The fun really started however when a friend, fresh back from Eastern Europe, produced several thousand bootleg MP3s. Fantastic! Name that tune seems much more fun after so much alcohol. Finally 4 am rolled around and it was time for beddy byes. The flat was back to its usual state and my second hangover in 24 hours was kicking in. Even better I had managed not to kill any of my friends with my cooking. This is not an idle boast, one of my guests was described by a Harley Street specialist as "the most allergic individual I have ever met". He left at 3.30 with a decided wobble in his step, but no apparent difficulties breathing. Result! Stay tuned - tomorrow I will be unveiling my homage to |
Tuesday, January 11, 2005Back at workYuck. Yesterday was my first day back at work. I managed to stay awake and strolled into work a little before 10. In my lab that is largely regarded as "the crack of dawn" so I felt rather proud of myself. Of course I wasn't the earliest, and the first thing I did after getting through the security doors (naturally I had left my security card at home and my locker key) was join 3 exhausted looking colleagues for nice cup of coffee. They too were on their first day back and after being in work for almost 30 minutes were recharging with caffeine and wishing they were back in bed.Obviously the firs thing to do after coffee was plug in the laptop and open my email... 69 new emails. Joy. My Dad of course scoffed at this - after all he had 250 when he opened his mail after christmas - but I'm not a middle manager and actually have to work for a living. Email is supposedly a useful communication tool for me, not my raison d'etre. Half of the mails I had already read, since I forward stuff to my hotmail account. Most of the rest had been filtered by hotmail as junk - and rightly so. Remember I said that I hadn't received any Nigerian begging letters or won any lotteries lately? Wrong - they just hadn't made it past the filters. Naturally the University doesn't filter mail so they were all waiting for me. Most amusing was the $100,000 I won in the "Mother Theresa Games" - which conjured up images of a raison in a habit doing the long jump. Well, the rumours are true. SWMNBN is hoping to move to the office by our lab. When I started this job I was aware that SWMNBN was... difficult... to work for. But I comforted myself with the knowledge that she worked on the otherside of campus with her own group and our paths would cross once every couple of months. Well that was a naive thought. Our "progress" meetings have escalated in frequency to once every 3 weeks on average, meaning that if experiments don't work first time (all too common I'm afraid) there is no time to correct the problems and repeat things - leaving me feeling like a slightly backward chimp as I try to spin things in a positive light. Having grown accustomed to the "tell me what you are going to do and let me know how it went" style of management practised by my PhD supervisor, the "we are having a meeting on this arbritary date and I expect results" style of management was something of a culture shock. Now that SWMNBN's lab has shrunk from several postgrads and postdocs to Me, myself and I it looks like micromanagement from over my left shoulder will be the order of the day for 2005. Time to dust of the CV... The rest of the day wasn't too bad. At the moment I am remaking some engineered yeast strains which I inadvertantly killed before christmas. I see no reason to bother SWMNBN with this cockup, I think I'll just discretely recreate them. Moral of the story? Freeze all new strains immediately in long term storage instead of leaving them on agar plates on the bench to die. Bugger. The rest of the day was spent trying to find a comprehensible, lead-me-by-the-hand, website explaining how to perform the statistical test ANOVA. I used to have a great little book aimed at A level biologists (High school level for non-Brits) that showed how to perform all manner of basic statistical tests. Some would argue that a book that explained basic maths with examples such as "Ranjit and Selena were catching insects down by the river..." and showed their working could be a little patronising for someone with a doctorate in molecular biology - but the damn thing proved so popular that some bugger "borrowed it" and I can't find it. Good news however on the insomnia front. I nodded off shortly before midnight last night and am sitting here refreshed at 7am. Looks like I am going to shock my colleagues again by coming into work before 10am for the second day in a row. Wonder how long I can keep it up? "Celebrity" Big Brother I was asleep before the live feed so I have no idea how the new housemate is faring. In what may well be a stroke of genius, big brother has thrown a ninth housemate into the mix. The 71 year old astrologer and pet psychic... Jackie Stallone. Yep, Brigitte's former mother-in-law. The 2 haven't spoken since 1987 apparently, when Brigitte and Sly divorced. The woman is patently mad as a hatter, and apparently capable of telling a person's fortune by looking at their arses. You couldn't make this stuff up. Apart from the obvious frition between the former relatives (Jackie wished for Brigitte to fall in an earthquake crater apparently), I look forward to some fireworks between her and his sulkiness John. Kenzie looked shell-shocked and Germaine looked as if she had just fallen through the looking glass. Bez seemed unaffected, he probably assumed it was just a drug flashback and she'd be gone in the morning. ![]() BBC Online Scary. |
Sunday, January 09, 2005As promised, a few Blogs I likeWell here are a few that have caught my eye over the last few weeks.The Policeman's Blog This is the first blog that I seriously perused after seeing it on the BBC online website In fact it finally crystallised a growing idea and made me sign up to blogger. Its amusing and provides a cynical look on policing that the Bill etc just don't give. He's a little pro-Gun for my tastes, I suspect that if he lived surrounded by the fuckwits I do he might not be so keen to let them own a gun. I mean its bad enough that criminals have the bloody things - but if some of my neighbours, who are too dumb to get hold of one illegally, were able to buy them as easily as in the US... god help us all! Random Acts Of Reality :: Main Page Another blog featured in the BBC article, this one charts the life of a London Ambulance Driver. As cynical as the Policeman's blog, with obvious similarities of course, it still gives an often humerous insight into a side of life most of us would rather not have to experience first hand. Most amusing though are some of the commenters who fail to notice that 95% of the people discussing the issues raised in the posts are medical professionals and so, despite not having any medical knowledge in the slightest, are willing to chip in and give advice. I suspect that most of us have a friend like that... JonnyB's private secret diary This is briliant. Its a great blog charting life's inanities from a man in Norfolk. Wonderfully written, it conjours images almost of John Peel or The Royle Family. I've read all the archives and laughed at every one of them. the mighty crumb Very witty and amusing blog, the perfect partner for JonnyB's diary above. Particularly amusing is "The Friday Fuckwit". I've read about half of his archives so far and have yet to find a nomination I disagree with. HE LOOKS LIKE.... The Morbid Game of Psychoanalyzing Strangers in Pictures Cruel and unnecessary site taking the piss out of total strangers - I highly recommend! |
"Celebrity" Big BrotherWell, the experiment in resetting my biological clock was a resounding... failure! I nodded off at about noon on the sofa and reawoke stiff and grumpy at 8pm. I am definitely nocturnal now! I'll try again today.One advantage of a semi-nocturnal existence is that I get to watch late-night crap on TV. And I'm amply served by the start of another series of "Celebrity" Big Brother. Well, the first thing to note is the bizarre and weird selection of so-called celebrities that they have picked this year. It really beggars belief what some of these people were thinking. I tuned in a little late and snorted half a can of Pepsi Max out of my nose when I recognised the well-known feminist author and academic Germain Greer. WTF?! Dr Greer is a regular on highbrow cultural and political shows such as Latenight Review - what on earth is she doing on tawdry trash like Celebrity Big Brother? I can only assume that the good doctor has decided to write a book on the subject and as such has blagged her way onto the show to get first hand data. It is also well known that she eschews underwear - that horrifying thought has left me cold and sweating and not in a good way. No doubt the subject of a chapter all of his own in Greer's book is the horse racing pundit John McCririck. Gems from this phenomenally hirsute troll so far have included the eating of one's own snot as a medical cure-all; how attractive women have it easy and that men should only date ugly birds. This particular point was aimed squarely at the model Caprice. If it turns out that she is more than just a bimbo (she's obviously the token totty), I am going to be hard pressed to predict if she or Germaine will be the first to castrate him. Well done Big Brother - you've certainly guaranteed fireworks (and no doubt a lucrative column in a lads mag for McCririck). Another surprising contestant is the actor Jeremy Edwards. Whilst he may no longer be in Holby City, I always thought his star was in ascendency - can we assume that he is no longer in demand? Obviously the token male totty (Davina may well have ejaculated when he hugged her) I was a little disapointed to see that he has obviously fallen on hard times - well good luck Jeremy, hopefully the career won't be too badly mangled bythe stigma of BB. On the bright side, the tabloids get an excuse to publish pictures of his ex-girlfriend Rachel Stevens - I expect she will be falling out of her dress in front of the papparazzi sometime before the News of the World goes to press this sunday. Sometimes actress and full-time roadcrash Brigitte Nielsen is having another go in the UK, after being voted out first in her native Denmark. She has already promised (threatened?) that her towel will go missing in the sauna. The woman is a walking advert for why women with implausibly large breast implants shouldn't automatically get them replaced as they get older. Her pneumatic pumpkins were just about tolerable back in the days of Red Sonja when the rest of her was similarly voluptuous - now however she has chicken legs and too much botox and just looks like she is about to fall over. It will be interesting to see how much of her "personality" is an act and how much is bona fide psychosis. The remainder fall well into the "Who the fuck are they" category of celebrity. First up is Bez of Happy Mondays "Fame". Bez is the next door neighbour of Shaun Ryder, and became the Monday's official Mascot when it was noticed that he dances like an absolute twat. This cunningly distracts attention from both the Happy Monday's godawful music and Shaun Ryder's singular lack of sex appeal as a frontman. Bez's sole creative input appears to be playing the maracas. Whether the mike in front of him was ever turned on will forever remain one of those unanswered musical questions, along with "did they plug Linda McCartney's synthesizer in when she played with Wings?" and "Will Victoria Beckham ever get the hint?". He is now a professional Mancunian and suffers from the same speach impediment as Ozzy Osbourne, Shaun Ryder and Shane McGowan. Lisa I'Anson, it is said, left Radio 1 in 1999 after missing her show because she partied too hard the night before in Ibiza. I grew out of Radio 1 shortly after entering puberty (that may have been because I saw a photo of what the sultry-voiced Liz off the Bruno Brookes show actually looked like - it put me off my stride for weeks). Therefore I have no idea who she is and care even less. Her promo video showed her pretending to do kick boxing and talking about how she knows she is sexy. With no work of note for 5 years I am at least glad to see she that she has kind friends and family who are willing to lie to her and make her feel good about herself. Finally we have BB's youngest member (19 today - bless), Kenzie from Blazing squad. No I don't know who he/they are either. Blazing squad have 10 members, yet remarkably their combined age is still considerably less than that of the Rolling Stones. Since I am not a 14 year old girl (at least not outside of chatrooms) I don't know any more trivia about the band, nor did I recognise any of the songs BB played over his video. First impressions are that he is a pleasant enough young man, but (and this may just be his London accent) as dumb as a bag of spanners. I suspect he may try to win over fellow housemates my lending them his razor and shaving foam, since he probably doesn't need them. However, in the interests of health and safety he should probably keep them away from Caprice who has already cut herself with a razor. I would also give them to McCririck rather than lend them to him - I really wouldn't want them back - christ knows what you might catch. Unless I suddenly get a life between now and next week, expect more commentary on how the housemates fare. |
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